Part 2. Create a Thrift Server

Volo-Thrift is an RPC framework so that the bottom layer requires two major functions: Serialization and Transport.

IDL is short for Interface Definition Language.


If we want to do RPC, we need to know what interface is for the server, what parameters to pass, and what the return value is, just like two people talking to each other, we need to make sure we are speaking the same language and doing the same thing.

At this time, we need to use IDL to specify the protocol for both sides, just like when writing code, we need to know the function signature while calling a function.

Thrift IDL is a full-stack RPC solution for cross-language. You can see the syntax of Thrift IDL in thrift-missing-guide or Thrift interface description language.

Write IDL

To create a Thrift project, we need to write a Thrift IDL at first.

In your working directory, execute the following command:

$ mkdir volo-example
$ cd volo-example
$ mkdir idl
$ vim idl/volo_example.thrift

Then, enter the following content:

namespace rs volo.example

struct Item {
    1: required i64 id,
    2: required string title,
    3: required string content,

    10: optional map<string, string> extra,

struct GetItemRequest {
    1: required i64 id,

struct GetItemResponse {
    1: required Item item,

service ItemService {
    GetItemResponse GetItem (1: GetItemRequest req),

After saving and exiting, we execute the following command:

$ volo init volo-example idl/volo_example.thrift

Here we use the init command, followed by the name of our project, which means we need to generate template code. At the end, you need to specify an IDL used by the server.

If you only need to add an IDL (such as the client IDL) without generating a template, do as follows:

$ volo idl add idl/volo_example.thrift

| What’s more, the volo tool also supports downloading IDL from git and then generating code, such as:

$ volo idl add -g -r main /path/to/your/idl.thrift

| You may directly enter volo to see the detailed usage ~ next back to the topic ~

At this point, our entire directory structure looks like this:

├── Cargo.toml
├── idl
│   └── volo_example.thrift
├── rust-toolchain.toml
├── src
│   ├── bin
│   │   └──
│   └──
└── volo-gen
    ├── Cargo.toml
    ├── src
    │   └──
    └── volo.yml

Then we open src/ and add the method implementation to the impl block. The resulting code should look like this:


pub struct S;

impl volo_gen::volo::example::ItemService for S {
    // This is the part of the code we need to add
    async fn get_item(
        _req: volo_gen::volo::example::GetItemRequest,
    ) -> core::result::Result<volo_gen::volo::example::GetItemResponse, volo_thrift::AnyhowError>

Then execute:

$ cargo update
$ cargo build

At this point, You will find file under OUT_DIR Directory.

Then execute the following command to get our server running:

$ cargo run --bin server

At this point, we have our server running!

Last modified July 5, 2023 : Update (9938889)